Our Meditation for a Bad Day
The intention of this meditation is to help put things in perspective and keep in mind that even bad days have positive or neutral events within them. The meditation is about 8 minutes long and will guide the listener through a few exercises followed by a few brief periods for reflection. Some of the things covered include: tending to moments of difficulty with compassion and appreciating moments of contentment.
To listen to the meditation, simply press the play button on the video above.
The background music is Gentle Contemplation by Rebecca Reads Recordings, used under her Standard Music License.
Every Day May Not Be Good…But There Is Something Good In Every Day

Other Ways To Cope With Bad Days
This PowerofPositivity.com article lists seven strategies to help people deal with bad days. They are:
- Get in touch with your support network.
- Listen to music.
- Play dress up.
- Exercise.
- Eat better.
- Do nice things for someone else.
- Assume control.
- Get outside.
Of course, we’d throw in “Meditate” as an eighth option, but we’re biased. (wink, wink.)
Speaking of listening to music, why not sing along to a song about a having a bad day?
Here are two that we enjoy:
The first one is Bad Day by Daniel Powter. The lyrics are certainly applicable.
“Cause you had a bad day, You’re taking one down, You sing a sad song just to turn it around…”
Daniel Powter, Bad Day
The second is Sad Songs (Say So Much) by Elton John. Sir Elton also understands the healing power of singing along to songs that resonate with us.
Guess there are times when we all need to share a little pain
Elton John, Sad Songs (Say So Much)
And ironing out the rough spots
Is the hardest part when memories remain
And it’s times like these when we all need to hear the radio
‘Cause from the lips of some old singer
We can share the troubles we already know
Here are three other coping strategies listed on PsychologyToday.com that may be helpful:
1. Set an intention to be gentle with yourself.
When you’re feeling battered around by the winds of luck, you’re going to need some self-nurturing. Set an intention that you’re going to be kind to yourself while you’re waiting for the universe to start dishing out some kindness again.
2. Treat yourself.
A dose of positive emotion will increase your resilience during stressful days.
3. Get something small done that’s on your own agenda.
Positive mood comes from a combination of pleasure and a sense of mastery (feeling you’re competent and can get things done). These both go out the window on bad days because having a run of bad luck usually feels frustrating, demoralizing, and out of control.
Source: Alice Boyes Ph.D., https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/in-practice/201507/4-ways-deal-horrible-no-good-really-bad-day
Things To Keep In Mind When You’ve Had A Bad Day
Daniel Wallen over at Lifehack.com has a great article where he lists 9 things to keep in mind if you’ve had a bad day. They are:
- No one promised life would be perfect.
- Success doesn’t happen overnight.
- There is a lesson in every struggle.
- Hard times help you appreciate the good.
- It’s okay to cry.
- Worry makes you suffer twice.
- No one’s life is as picturesque as it looks.
- It takes courage to ask for help.
- There’s always something to be grateful for.
We highly recommend reading the full article here.
Lastly, try and remember two things: we all have bad days and bad days are temporary.
Let us know in the comments below if our guided meditation for bad days helped and if you have any other strategies that you’d like to share.
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